
Here are some trusted organizations and resources that will provide accurate content, as you learn more about dyslexia.

Recommended books

The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan — Ben Foss

The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Power of the Dyslexic Brain — Brock Eide, MD, MA and Fernette Eide, MD

Overcoming Dyslexia — by Sally Shaywitz, MD and Jonathan Shaywitz MD (note: the newest edition of this wonderful book came out in 2020!) In this 15 minute video, author Dr. Sally Shaywitz talks about dyslexia and the newest edition of Overcoming Dyslexia.

Dyslexia self-assessment

Dyslexia self-assessment screening for preschoolers, school age, and adults; from the International Dyslexia Association

Helpful websites

International Dyslexia Association

Bright Solutions for Dyslexia (This website is chock-full of information about dyslexia–created by the developer of the Barton System.)

Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity

Made by Dyslexia

Headstrong Nation

Learning Ally. Membership provides access to an audiobook and textbook library for people with dyslexia. (A referral letter from a doctor or specialist is required. If you are receiving tutoring from me, I can help you get this referral).

Bookshare: Another provider of audiobooks and audio textbooks.


The True Gifts of a Dyslexic Mind: a 17-minute Tedx talk given by a person who knows dyslexia both personally, and as an educator:

Embracing Dyslexia: a 50-minute documentary on the topic of dyslexia.

A short film featuring Aaron Austin, his parents and his tutor, as Aaron receives help for his dyslexia.