Dyslexic Advantages

There is FAR more to the dyslexic mind than challenges. The very brain wiring that makes reading/spelling difficult–also can bring tremendous strengths. Doctors Brock and Fernette Eide are experts in the field of dyslexia and brain-based learning. In their book The Dyslexic Advantage, they are passionate about dyslexic strengths:

“Look first at individuals with dyslexia when they’re reading or spelling or performing certain other language or learning tasks. From this perspective they appear to have a learning disorder; and with respect to these tasks, they clearly do. Now look at these same individuals when they’re doing almost anything else–particularly the kinds of tasks they excel at and enjoy. From this new perspective they not only cease to look disabled but they often appear remarkably skilled or even specially advantaged.”

The Dyslexic Advantage p. 4

More from The Dyslexic Advantage: People with dyslexia tend to excel in four specific areas of reasoning:

  • Spatial and mechanical reasoning
  • Interconnected reasoning (the ability to perceive relationships)
  • Narrative reasoning
  • and Dynamic reasoning

Because of their unique reasoning strengths, watch for particular talents such as the following:

  • Entrepreneurial
  • Athletic
  • Mechanical
  • Engineering
  • Invention and design
  • Artistic
  • Musical
  • Narrative (story-telling)
  • Managerial and leadership
  • Culinary

You may also notice that understanding the ‘big picture’ is one of their special skills!

It is important to have a 2-pronged approach when empowering a person with dyslexia to find success:

1. Get individualized help with their unique learning challenges (remediation).

2. And enable them to spend just as much time developing their areas of strength, as they do getting remediation for their challenges.